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  • TEXAS CHILD CUSTODY. How can grandparents get rights to their grandchild?

    Grandparents can be a wonderful support system to busy parents .  Grandparents can have a positive, lifelong impression on their grandchildren.    But what happens when a grandparent becomes a primary caretaker of their grandchildren?
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  • Texas divorce. Texas Child Custody. How can I get more time with my child if I have a standard possession order?

    Can I get more time with my child after divorce or separation? You can certainly try and in many instances you may achieve your goal. This post helps you understand the order that you have and ways to increase the time you have under that order. The intent of this post and series of post is to put the parent's relationship with the child first and to ensure the child does not get divorced from either parent during the divorce from a spouse or breakup be tween parents. Children are incredible human beings with hearts, feelings, and emotions. Continuous, uninterrupted time with parents who promote emotional and physical well being is an admirable goal and one which this post helps to achieve.
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First Court of Appeals

First Court of Appeals, remand case on appeal and reversed the 314th decision that the child’s mother have no contact with the child...

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Harris County

Won Mother primary possession of two younger siblings in temporary conservatorship of the Texas Department the 257th...

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Galveston County

Won Father primary possession of three children in the 306th Judicial District Court after CPS recommended reunification

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As a divorced single parent of two teens, Ms. Dorsey knows firsthand the challenges of parenting and co-parenting and how family law decisions have a lasting impact. She offers her insightful personal experience, and knowledge of Family Law to provide clients knowledgeable assistance in a full complement of family disputes. Contact her Office to learn more about how Ms. Dorsey can help.


The Dorsey Law Firm is committed to compassionately and skillfully helping you through your difficult family law case. Our primary goal is to help you navigate through the financial and emotional challenges of a divorce or custody case and arrive in a place where you can move forward and build a new life. Contact her office to learn more about how Ms. Dorsey can help.


If you and your spouse or significant other have decided to divorce or separate amicably, you may agree on everything (custody, child support, medical support, visitation, possession, access to children, who gets what property and who pays debt in the case of divorce). An uncontested resolution is the quickest and most inexpensive way to resolve your family law matter.



Veronica Dorsey has over sixteen years' experience in Family Law, handling both complex divorces and custody disputes. After graduation, she began her Family Law experience in Fort Worth, Texas at West Texas Legal Aide and afterwards became an Assistant Attorney General in the Child Support Division of The Office of Attorney General in Dallas and Houston, Texas. Ms. Dorsey later became Managing Attorney in the Dallas and Houston Offices of the Office of Attorney General. She opened her private practice with emphasis in Family Law and Administrative Law seven years ago.


Veronica Dorsey has ten years' experience in Administrative Law as an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) with State Office of Administrative Hearings and as an Impartial Hearing Officer (IHO) with The Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, and Texas Workforce Commission.


Veronica Dorsey understands most grandparents and parents agree on the times when children visit with their grandparents, but disagreements occur. Catastrophic events like death or incarceration also play a part in strained relationships between parents and grandparents. It is not uncommon for a parent to remove a child from a grandparent who has had primary possession of the child for an extensive period. If you are such a grandparent who is fighting to keep primary possession of your grandchild or to maintain consistent contact with your grandchild, a consultation with an attorney may help you decide whether to file a lawsuit or “intervene” into a pending lawsuit. A knowledgeable attorney can tell you how extensive past contact with the child and/or proof a parent or caretaker is hurting your grandchild may impact your decision.


  • Excelente abogada!

    Ernestina M.    Excelente abogada y nos ah ayudado mucho. Feb 10, 2019 Read On

  • Very helpful and informative

        Divorce Attorney Veronica was very helpful and informative. She provided a lot of value in her free consultation Oct 3, 2019 Read On

  • Really listened to my problems!

        Family Law Attorney (Consultation only)she was a wonderful lawyer. Really listened to my problems. I just could not afford her. Not that she is to pricey it's reasonable I'm just indigent within those means. She was so nice ,aggressive with her problem solving,caring,sweet,funny,charis... Read On


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Contact Us

When you are in need of sound legal advice. Give the licensed attorney at The Dorsey Law Firm a call. We can assist in uncontested divorces, adoptions, paternity testing and so much more! We service the following counties: Harris County, Fort Bend County, Galveston County.


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